Senin, 17 Maret 2014

Narrative Text

Narrative Text
A.    Definition of Narrative
Narraive is a text focusing some specific participants that have several structural features making different from other genres. Narrative has social function that is to tell stories either in present which is called present narrative, past events which called past narrative and future which called future narrative, to entertain the readers (Smalley, and Ruetten, 1984). Narrative is used most often in : Fable. Myths and Legend, Detective Stories, Adventure Stories, Thrillers, Period Dramas.

B.     Generic Structure of Narrative
A narrative text consist of the following structure :
1.      Orientation: Introducing the participants and informing the time and the place. It also introduce some characters involved in this genre.
2.      Complication: Describing the rising Crises which the participants have to do with or among participants relationship in a process of social interaction.
3.      Resolution: Showing the way of participant to solve the crises, better or worse. The end can be open ended or close ended. Open ended is a conclusion that  depends on the perception of the readers. Wheares, close ended is an end of a story in which the conclution is clearly stated.
4.      Coda which summarizes the point of the story and moral message we may get.

C.    Language of Narrative
1.      Using procceses verbs
2.      Using temporal conjunction
3.      Using simple past tense

The Oldest Kingdom of Tulang Bawang

In the VII century the Chinese people in the country are already talking about a region of the South region ( Namphang ) where there is a kingdom called “Tolang P'ohwang” , “To” mean “people” and “Lang P'ohwang” mean “Lampung”. There is evidence that Lampung is part of the kingdom of Sriwijaya , the centre in Jambi and controlled much of Southeast Asia including Lampung and prosper until the 11th century . Sriwijaya came to Lampung because this area was once a source of gold and amber .
Residual which indicates that Lampung is under the influence of the Kingdom of Sriwijaya , among others, by the discovery of inscriptions Palas Pasemah and Stone Inscription rifle Tenggamus area of the kingdom is sriwijaya ( VIII century ) . Tulang Bawang kingdoms and Scale Brak also once stood on VII - VIII century . Kingdom Centre is estimated to Tulang Bawang around Menggala / Tulang Bawang River until Pagar Dewa .
Islamic era marked the entry of Banten diLampung in the 16th century , especially during the reign of Sultan Hasanuddin ( 1522-1570 ) . Since past , Lampung is known for ladanya plants that are sought after people . Sultanate of Banten are interested in Lampung pepper production mastered this area in the early 16th century and as well as introducing Islam.
In this age of Lampung introduced the famous hero persistents Netherland . Named Radin Intan . Islamic influence seen them and the presence of Tambra Inscription ( Buk Dalung ) Bojong subdistrict area Jabung Now , contain a cooperation agreement between Banten and Lampung against Dutch colonialism .
Control exercised over the Sultanate of Banten, Lampung pepper production has made the port as a port of Banten pepper the greatest and most prosperous in the nation. Similarly pepper plants that also attract foreign immigrants from Europe as a trading company of the Netherlands ' Dutch East India Company. The trading company at the end of the 17th century to build a processing plant in Menggala . However, the efforts finally succeeded in mastering Lampung Netherlands in 1856 .
The Dutch colonial government for the first time introduced to the residents of the transmigration program in Java which is very dense and trying to move in Lampung . The transmigration program has been quite well received and many people from the island of Java, which later moved to transmigration sites located in the eastern region of Lampung . The transmigration program and then increased again at the time of independence in the 1960s and 1970s - early . A native of the island of Java and the culture they brought to Lampung such as gamelan and wayang . People of Bali then also came to Lampung to the transmigration program . The presence of migrants from other areas in Lampung has made this region as a region with diverse cultures ( multi - cultural ) . The diversity of tribes became a tourist attraction especially in various districts scattered potential of nature tourism, cultural tourism . The existence of art studios / art conservationist culture / cultural heritage of many ancestors evolved .
Historical records from various sources there is a mention of Tulang Bawang . This record is certainly closely related to Menggala . Note Tomé Pires (1512 - 1515) , mentions that in West Java never stood a kingdom called Regno de Çumda or Sundanese kingdom . The kingdom has a few trading ports along the northern coast . Trade relations Sundanese kingdom is not only local but international to regional level even . Some of Tulang Bawang merchandise such as Java pepper enter through the port Cheguide ( Cortesão , 1967 : 171 ) . In this note clearly expressed that the Sunda and Tulang Bawang had a relationship of trade , especially pepper . In a period of declining Kingdom of Sunda . Position and role of the Kingdom of Sunda was replaced Banten .

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